He cupped the binky in his hand oh so gingerly. Eyes full of sadness and perplexity, he gazed down at the headless body and then up at me. "Broken, Mommy. Broken."
Full of guilty pleasure, I responded "Yes, Bo, it is broken."
"The top, Mommy. Broken. What happened?"
"That's what happens when you use something too much. It breaks. Some things need new batteries when they get old, and some things just break. Looks like that just broke. What should we do with it?"
Carefully deliberating his next move, Bo shyly and hesitatingly answered, "trash can, Mommy."
Bo proceeded into the kitchen where he buried his sweet blue-binky in the tall shiny trashcan at the base of the counter. He lifted the lid, and dropped it in, clinging to 3 other healthy binkies he refused to leave behind. Detached, and amazingly unaffected, Bo turned around, popped one of the binkies-in-reserve into his mouth and went about his day.
However, little did he know that this unexpected broken-binky was the first of many to come.
Since that sad day, 2 others have been found with their heads sliced off in random places around our house (1 on the floor of the living room and 1, today, in the silverware drawer). With each new find, the conversation goes about the same as the first, each ending with the burial in the tall shiny trashcan at the base of the counter, and each with another binky being popped into his mouth before ever leaving the kitchen.
What, I ask you, will happen the day he turns around and his hands are empty?
Binky Count, To Date:
Dead - 3
Alive - 5 (that I know of)