And so, since right now is one of those rare moments, I am going to keep this brief in hopes of getting this finished before one of the little hoodlums wakes up.
Nana (my mom), with her miraculously timed visit, flew in the day before I went into labor. Thank God.
She had barely been here 24hours, was extremely sleep deprived, jet lagged from flying all night and was thrown into an all out kid whirlwind. But she managed it tremendously. (If you disreagard the state of the house when I got home. Holy toys and dishes everywhere! But, the kids were safe, fed and happy and that's all that matters. Right, Mom?)
But I digress. Nana was a huge help while she was here and I am quite certain we would not have made it through that first week without her help. The adjustment of having another baby in the house was difficult on everyone, especially Sammers.
Here Nana & Bo are measuring how much snow we got the night before
And here they are watercoloring