Really?!? What part of hanging on to a garage door and riding it all the way to the top while dangling over concrete even seems like a good idea? But just in case, while we're at it, why not let an almost 2 year old be in control of the button because Lord knows he's not trigger happy.
Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down.
Sounds perfectly logical to me.
Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. . . .Up. . .Up. Down. Up. Down. Up . . .
A mother knows this cry. It is not the "
I'm overtired cry" or the "
I'm spoiled and I want my way" cry or the "
I'm frustrated" cry or even the "
I don't want you to leave" cry. It is the cry of pain. The one cry that makes you jump up out of your chair or leave dinner bubbling over on the stove because you know it is not good and it is real.
Down. Up. Down. Up. Max! Seriously. Stop!!
And it
was not good and it
was real. Sam fell from the top onto the concrete, barefoot, and was grabbing his left foot. He could not put weight on it and was hysterical. His lips were shivering and he kept saying he was cold.
Double crap!
Injury and possible shock. . . that's not good.
But thankfully it did not take long to calm him down. A lot of hugging and reassuring goes a long way and before long he was up trying to walk on it. Foot turned out, toes pointing out to the side, heel only on the ground, hobbling pretty bad, but he was walking.
So I decided to not rush in for x-rays but just watch him and see how it was. As much as I love sitting around a waiting room for hours on end, I didn't want to go to the ER if we didn't have to so motrin and cuddle time was what I prescribed. But by the following afternoon he still was not walking well, the swelling was getting worse, and I decided it was time to go have it checked.
1 ER trip, 1 very well behaved boy, many purple surgical glove balloons, and 4 hours later, his foot was not broken. They gave us an ace bandage and suggested he wear his shoe as much as possible to support and protect the foot. If in 1 week it was still sore, to follow up with our primary care doctor.
So 1 sore and swollen foot, 1 miserable boy, 1 more doctor visit, and 1 week later, his foot still is not broken.
More motrin, more bandages, and more shoes.
And yet people seem to look at me strangely when they see my boys riding bikes without helmets? Really? Screw that!! They've never hurt themselves on their bikes. If anything they should wear them at home. Eat breakfast . . .Check. Get dressed . . .Check. Brush Teeth . . .Check. Put on helmet . . .Check. Ride garage door . . .UnCheck!