We had the most amazing vacation ever down in Girdwood with Opa & Nana. We spent a week hiking, biking, fishing and just plain ole getting away from the grinds of everyday life.
We rented a gorgeous house (which I somehow forgot to take any pictures of, Uggghh) on a PAVED dead end street with 360 degree views of the mountains. It was absolutely perfect. The boys rode their scooters and bikes up and down the road every day. We couldn't have asked for a better home base for all of our adventures.
The first day we rented bicycles for Opa & Nana (we brought ours with us) and biked from the house to Alyeska Resort and then stopped for a break at the Sitzmark for cocktails and appetizers before riding back home. It was a beautiful day.

The next day we woke up to beautiful clear blue skies so we took the Alyeska Tram to the top of the mountain to soak in the panoramic views. We also ended up hiking further up the mountain where the air was thin but the views amazing. We ate lunch at the cafe up there and then headed back down on the Tram.
After a short rest and regroup at the house, we headed out for another hike.
We did the Crow Creek Trail to the Hand Tram Trail. This was by far my favorite hike of the entire trip. We hiked for a little over a mile to get to the hand tram which was basically a metal box hanging from ropes that you could heave yourself across the canyon in. Ask Wes to see his blisters from being the horsepower to all of our many trips across. Thanks Honey.

I'm not going to lie, I kept wondering to myself when was the last time someone inspected this contraption, or if anyone ever does inspect it and could I actually grab one of the breaking ropes and swing myself across to the other side before pummeling to my death in the icy waters down below. What?! I could do it. I could. But I digress, I'm just thankful my boys don't share my same fear of heights. They loved every minute of it.
They ran and laughed the entire way back to the car.
It really was a perfect day!!
On day 3 we woke up and headed out for a morning hike up Abe's Trail. We went looking for blueberries but unfortunately never found any.
We did, however, find Rodney. He apparently fell and couldn't get up. Sam gave him CPR but to no avail. Luckily the Girdwood Fire Department wasn't too far behind.
That afternoon we rode the Gird to Bird bike Trail. The boys tired out after about 6 miles out (still had to ride back), Opa and Nana made it a little further, and Wes went the entire way but we could not have ordered better weather and the views of the inlet were gorgeous. Needless to say, everyone was deservedly tired that night.

AMAZING VACATION!!!!! Thanks Opa & Nana.