One of the first things we did while in town was have a family portrait taken in honor of my parent's 40th wedding anniversary. It was the first time that all, and I mean all of us were in the same place at the same time and to make it even more special, we had the photographer come out to the house. Amazingly, all babies cooperated and we were able to get some decent pics with everyone looking at the camera. (I will share them when we see the proofs)
After that, it was all about family and more family. I loved hanging out with my sisters and their kids, and juggling all the chaos that came along with it. It is not easy coordinating 5 kids under the age of 3.5 and 8 adults, let me tell you, but it was well worth it.
Bo and Sam spent about every waking hour playing outside naked in the kiddie pool, sprinker, or hose. It was hotter than hot and neither kid wanted anything to do with clothes but everything to do with the water and Opa & Nana.
Then is was on to Reunion where 13 became 300+. It was the first time Wes & I had been in 3 years and holy cow it was different this time having 2 kids. I was ready to pack up and go home after the first day. Bo was a wreck, wouldn't listen, wouldn't eat, wouldn't nap, and wouldn't get in the River. Ugh, it was not fun. But things got better and we all had a great time.
And to make it all complete, we were able to hang out with the Prtichard side of the family on Tuesday before heading back to Fairbanks the next day. We had a great afternoon hanging out and eating fajitas.
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