I ignored all cooking, cleaning, emailing, working, laundry, phone talking and anything else mommy related and just played. It was fantastic. Sam even played right through his nap; too much fun to be had.
Launching cars off back of couch, down ramp & into bucket
On Bo's list of things to do (which he stated first thing that morning): play cars, airplanes, trains, monster jam, and build a fort. And that is what we did. Plus have a picnic lunch in the living room of macaroni & cheese, grapes, wheat-thins with cream cheese and cookies for dessert. The boys loved it.
I tried to answer with something insightful every time, but after trying to glorify the fact that 4 year olds get to go to the dentist and him looking at me with crossed eyes, I stopped.
Anyhoo . . .Wes came home early to join in the fun but first we had a yummy birthday dinner of pancakes and chocolate-vanilla swirl cake. Bo's choice, of course.
By the end of the night he had already driven it up the pipeline and made a few laps around our yard. He is such an analytical kid that thinks through every little thing so we are not worried. He is definitely not a get-on-it-and gun-it type child. Sam on the other hand, probably will not be driving a snowmachine at 4. He would be one to ram it right into a tree.
I wonder, does that mean he is spoiled or just naive? What do you think?
I don't know whether he is spoiled, but, with a snowmachine and 4 wheeler, he is definitely Alaskan.
Happy Birthday, Bo!
I think it means he's adorable...and probably a bit spoiled, as I think all kids should be;) And, um, I'm a bit jealous of the snowmachine.
That's a good looking cake! I'm glad you all enjoyed your 100% play day. Is Bo at least wearing a helmet on that thing?? Happy birthday, Bo! Love, Aunt Tracy
I love that you played all day with them. I don't think I've ever done that but am going to have to try it.
Happy Birthday, Bo Bo!
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