Height: 30 in (50%)
Head: 18 7/8 in (90%)
Head: 18 7/8 in (90%)
A little bit more about Max . . .
- He walks & runs
- Can go up and down entire flights of stairs
- Waves bye-bye
- Walks backwards
- Loves to dance/bounce and sway
- Has 4 teeth
- Is always smiling with his mouth wide open
- Super feisty but quiet unless provoked
- Will not sit on my lap or be still ever
- Hates to have his diaper changed, be dressed or restrained in any way except for his car seat which he has never protested
- Loves taking a bath or shower
- Still up once at night for a bottle but sleeps a total of 12-13 hrs
- Takes 1 long nap during the day but probably needs 2 (busy schedule dictates 1)
- Off of formula. Drinks whole milk.
- Loves to crawl in the dishwasher and steal the silverware and then escape to the living room with it (his favorite is the tongs)
- Is a total climber (up on chairs, on top of coffee table, into the gater . . .)
- Mimics Bo and Sam when they scream or put their hands on their ears
- Is busy busy busy
- Very independent
- Loves yogurt, mandarin oranges, any kind of pasta, oatmeal, pears, strawberries, toast, crackers, graham crackers, & vegie soup
- Hates eggs, tuna, cheese, sausage
- Loves to give wet, slobbery open mouth kisses
- Lays his head down on Wes' shoulder every time he picks him up
- Says "mah mah mah" all the time.
- Loves to play in the kitchen cabinets and drawers, especially with the pots and Tupperware
- Drools like crazy, always has to wear a bib
- Comes over with arms stretched above his head and rests his face in between your knees when you enter a room. His way of saying he wants up.
- Has mastered the full-body-throw-back thrash when mad and the shoot-the-arms-straight-up maneuver when you try to pick him up when he doesn't want to be as to insure droppage
- Is always stealing and chugging Bo & Sam's sippy cups of juice
- Uses a binky in bed and in the car
- Has only ever let me read a whole book to him once
- Sticks his bottom lip out to pout
- And last but not least .. . is so damn cute!