Monday, April 13, 2015

Questions (And Very Few Answers)

I absolutely love that my kids are inquisitive.  They want to know everything about everything, which is good, for the most part.  I mean, how else will they learn and grow and become uber smart, well adjusted citizens of society who will one day grow up to be billionaires?

But seriously . . .I can only take so much.  Some days it is question after question after question.  It is exhausting.  And it doesn't help that I often feel like I somehow missed 18 volumes of  the encyclopedia Britannica collection. I know we had them growing up but let's be honest, if there weren't pictures, I didn't read it.   It has become very apparent that there were very few pictures and that I.  DON'T.  KNOW.  ANYTHING.

I think I know a lot and then they ask.  And I think.   And I ponder.  And nothing.  I got nothing.  Well, that's not entirely true,  I usually have "something" but whether or not this "something" is really "anything" is the real question.  Lord knows I can't keep an idiom straight to save my life, much less know all there is to know about the universe and it's makings, especially if it involves space or anything about history.  So, pretty much, my boys are screwed.

And I don't want to raise those totally confused kids in class who get in arguments at school because they are dead set on the fact that what they know is the absolute truth because, "my mom said so."  I also don't want to ever raise the stinky kid in class but that's a whole other post.  (See #boyswhohatetobatheandbrushtheirteeth)

"That's a great question Bud.  I don't really know the answer to that.  We should look it up when we get home."

Thank God I am really good at redirecting and thank God even more, that their short term memory lasts about as long as . . .squirrel!

Here are a few of the questions Bo and Sam have asked in the past couple of days.  There have been many more but these are the only ones I remembered to write down.

Bo:    How are planets formed?
Sam:  Did God die?
Sam:  Are cavemen real?  Did they really live in caves, carry sticks and grunt?
Sam:  Who was the first person?
Bo:     What was the first letter invented of the alphabet?
Bo:     Which came first?  C or K?
Sam:  What's the difference between a caveman and a viking?
Bo:     What do they do with the money after they mint it?
Sam:  Where do dogs come from?  Who had the first pet dog?
Bo:     Who invented the first car?
Sam:  What do blue and orange make?
Sam:  If you can make all the secondary colors from the primary colors, where do the primary colors come from?
Sam:  Why is blue cheese called blue cheese if it isn't blue?

Sorry kids.  At least you have Google.

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