Cool snow sled - no, 4 opened cartons of antifreeze - yes
Plastic flower pots - no, ancient dinosaur laptop from college - yes
Columbia parka with removable fleece lining - no, Army issue arctic parka with fake fur - yes
Picture frames and vases - no, old man grabber thing - yes
and the list goes on and on. We even had 2 people offer to buy Chena (weird) and a few people who came by for specific items which when they found out we didn't have any, turned around and left: guns, gardening tools, fishing poles, and big kid toys.
All in all an odd day but I'm just glad that woman from Barrow was able to stock up on so many baby socks.
2. FAMILY - Grandma & Uncle John left this morning. We had a great visit with them but like all family visits, it flew by way too fast.
Every morning they were here, Bo would run downstairs to get Grandma as soon as he woke up. It was super cute until this morning when he popped out of bed to do the same and I had to intervene and tell him that Grandma wasn't here. She left for the airport before he got up. His body slumped. He was crushed. But after we read the note she left about 4 times and he got to talk to her on the phone, he perked right back up. He sure loves his Grandma.
3. SLEEP - We are all still ultra sleep deprived in this house and am running out of ideas for Bo. Sam on the other hand just needs to be broken of milk in the middle of the night (AGAIN) which can be done; I've just been too tired and too paranoid about waking Bo up to even deal with it but tonight is the night. I hereby proclaim this the beginning of sleep (re)training take 3. Ugh, I am so not looking forward to it but it has to be done.
Bo is a whole different story. The Melatonin is making a huge difference in getting him to settle down and fall asleep (takes 20-40 minutes now instead of the 2-3 hours it was) but we are still having terrible problems with night wakings and night terrors. On any given night, Bo is up 2-5 times; each time leaving his room and crying in either the kitchen or living room all while staring at our bedroom door. Then the nights he has a night terror, everything is exaggerated and prolonged with it taking anywhere from 1-2 hours to get him calmed down enough to fall back asleep.
A few nights ago I was at wits end and decided that if neither boy was going to sleep then they could cry all night together. I dragged Bo's bed in to Sam's room and figured, hell, misery loves company, right? Wrong! Misery apparently just loves more misery when doubled and then spills over causing extreme misery on the parents. Let's just say it sucked, was a horrible HORRIBLE idea, totally back fired and I will never do it again. Damn it!
However, after last night's horrendously freaky night terror, Bo is now scared of his own room which, after the Sam room fiasco, leaves only our room to try. (Not cool, but we will do anything at this point) And so, with his mattress on our floor wedged between my night stand and Wes' dresser (where I am sure to trip over it and possibly break my little toe while listening to Sam cry his head off tonight), we once again attempt to break the vicious no-sleep cycle of Bo-Bo & his sidekick Sam.
OMG. Just reading about the sleeping thing is exhausting. I really really hope this gets better for you guys!
Oh, I hope your sleep strategies work. I don't know how any of you have maintained any of your sanity.
$700 is awesome. We have tons of stuff that we will probably be selling next summer. I'm looking forward to purging.
Oh my lord. That sleep stuff sounds like the stuff of MY night terrors. I am so so sorry! Is Bo still napping during the day? I wonder if it is time to give that up (if you haven't already...)Other than that, I have no freaking clue! How terrible!
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