Friday, November 20, 2009

Our New Roommates

I have had a few roommates in the past . . .

Kelly from Lodgepole-Freshman year with the Chip and Dales and verbatim Days of Our Lives recaps in between the meticulous dorm room cleanings in place of test preparation

Nicole from Ontario-Sophomore & Junior year in Melrose Place with hot tea and creamer, bagels, lots of gymnastics, annoying loud light switch, and endless boyfriends with babies sleeping on the couch

Rachael, Mindy & Gina-Senior year home hell with stolen toilet paper, fights over food, caddy bitchiness and lots of lies

. . . but never any as great as the ones we have now.

Wes' parents moved in with us about a month ago and it is absolutely wonderful having them here. They decided they wanted to be near their grandkids and finally gave up on us moving back there so they packed up their car and drove all the way from Iowa (most of it in snow, poor guys) to come live with us.

Their plan is to try it out until Spring and then decide if this is where they really want to hang their hat (and coat, and gloves, and scarves, and . . . Ok, you get the picture).

Assuming the winter isn't too overly annoying, they will head back home, pack up all their things, sell their house and move up here for good.

But in the mean time, they are settling in and remembering all too well what a house full of screaming kids is like with mountains of laundry, endless cleaning, neglected home projects, early kid wakings and horribly stinky dirty diapers while the rest of us (ahem, me) are loving the extra help around the house, the ability to hand a kid off when needed, and the chance to go to the gym alone. (Oh the gym. How I have missed you so.)

So goodbye roommate weirdness of the past. Hello roommate luxury of now.


Oregon Angie said...

So glad you have help! (Not that you couldn't do it on your own.) But you scored the jackpot of help! Ah...grandparents:)

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

That is awesome!!! Lucky girl. Lucky boys.

Tracy said...

Hey! Wasn't I your original (and favorite) roommate??? I'm so happy you have a few helping hands.

Angie said...

I hadn't seen this post before. I had no idea. It sounds great! Fortunately, you have a fairly large house for extra people, too.