Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Super-Sam!

One nice thing about being (A) a grown up and (B) a parent is that you get to make the rules. You can eat cake for breakfast, watch tv in bed, or tell your son his birthday is on a different day than it really is because the real day is inconvenient.

What? I know, it's a little selfish and cruel but he's only 3 and completely clueless. Besides, his schedule is way open; ours is not. He surely doesn't know the difference and was just as excited on fake-birthday morning when he woke up to his favorite breakfast of bacon and waffles and us singing him happy birthday as he would have been on his real birthday. And we are only talking about a day here folks, not a week or anything crazy, just a day. Friday was hectic and Saturday wasn't, so "Happy Birthday to Sammy on Saturday" it was!

And he had a blast.

We gave him many choices of what he wanted to do and he chose a boat ride with his favorite buddy Aaron (Devon' older brother). So we dropped Max off at Grandma's and headed to the river. The weather was wonderful. We took a short ride, stopped at a gravel bar for snacks and rock throwing and then headed home for cake and presents.
(More coming soon . . . )

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