Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lapro Choly

Seems so weird to me that I can be sitting here, 48 hours post op,  without my gallbladder and not feel like its missing. Serously.  It has been with me for 33 years and then poof, it's gone.  I kind of feel like I should have thrown it a farewell party or something, but nope.  Nothing.  All it got after having me cuss at it for 9 months was a first class ticket out of my belly button in a platic bag.  Poor thing was probably just as sick of me as I was of it.  Holy cow.  I hated it.   And despite the fact that I was born with it, I do not miss it one bit.  Sorry GB, no soup for you!!!


Angie said...

Wait. Didn't you post photos of you in Maui yesterday? Obviously, I'm not fully paying attention. I'm glad to hear that everything went well with surgery, though. I miss you.

Angie said...

Ok, nevermind. This was not a new post. It just showed up in my reader. Weird. Really not paying attention.