Thursday, June 3, 2010

Down in the big D . . .Delta that is

Like every year, we, along with every other Alaskan, ventured out for a Memorial Day camping trip. For Alaskans, Memorial Day is to camping like Opening Day is to moose hunting. It marks the start of a season and the beginning of months of endless planning, packing and sleeplessness.
For us, it marks the first of many "great" ideas that start as fun days full of frisbee, fishing, and water guns but quickly turn in to nights of major frustrations, fits and bazerko kids bouncing off the walls. Seriously, they just snap. Last year it was Bo; this year it was Sam. The whole sleeping thing gets us every time. But unlike last year, we actually prevailed and eventually got all 3 to sleep a little after midnight.

They boys had a great time but needless to say, there was not a Night 2 and it will probably be awhile before there is.

1 comment:

Angie said...

That Max looks so much like YOU. What a cutie.

It'll get better. Of course, we have not attempted camping.