Sunday, March 22, 2009

Stripping It Down Cave Man Style

Bo is finally starting to catch on to the whole potty training thing, but only when he's either naked or just not wearing any pants. Lovely thought, I know, but it works. Any time he has dropped trou and needs to pee, he runs in the bathroom, sits on his musical potty and does his thing all on his own. But anytime he's wearing a diaper, I can't even bribe him to sit on the potty. It's like pulling teeth. And the boy refuses to wear underwear. Absolutely refuses.

So, what, I ask you do I do? Do I just let him run free-ballin around the house all day or what? And what is his phobia of underwear? Seriously. They're just underwear. I don't get it.

But what I do get is that I can't afford to give him a new matchbox car every time he pees in the potty anymore so he and I made a new potty reward chart today. He was all excited about it and helped me decorate it. He also helped me decide on the rewards he will get (new car, new airplane, trip to McDonald's, new car).

So now, after he goes 4 times he gets a reward, instead of every 1. I hope it works.

He already went twice today

And in unrelated news, Bo cut one of his own binkies today. I told him I was going to cut it and then asked if he wanted to do it. He got all excited to use his scissors and chopped away. I still don't think he realizes that the supply is about out (I think we're down to 2), but I guess he will soon enough.


Katie said...

I will NEVER EVER EVER understand why potty training is SO FREAKING hard. I have no clue.

But the potty chart is AWESOME! I love it!

Angie said...

Did Bo pick out his own underwear? Maybe that would help? Funny kid.