Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sleep Issues

I have no idea what's going on but Sam's sleep schedule is getting more and more screwed up. He's never been a great sleeper at night but nothing like this. He is 5 months old and is suddenly getting his days and nights mixed up. It sucks and I blame where we live. Damn Alaskan darkness! I need the sun (and a margarita)!

Lately Sam has been waking up every 1 to 2 hours during the night, and yes, I am feeding him each time, or "sticking him on the boob" is more like it, which I know I shouldn't do, but he's been sick and I feel bad making him cry when he's already all stuffed up. And you do the math. Up every 1 to 2 hours, all night, means I am up ALL THE FREAKIN TIME. Oh, but then he sleeps a 3 to 4 hour stretch starting at 6:00am. Uggh. So frustrating. I don't get it.

Last night I was all excited because he fell asleep about 8:30 and I put him in his crib for the night. 45 minutes later he was up and didn't go back to sleep until well after midnight! So, this morning I went in his room at about 8:15 and turned on his light to force the poor guy in to knowing that it's day time and that he needs to get up because the last thing I want to do is be up with him until midnight again tonight. I need to sleep sometime.

Today I even skipped FAME to allow him to take a morning nap. He slept for about 2 hours from 9:30-11:30 and then is down again now, 2:30ish, for an afternoon nap so I am hoping (despite hating the fact that I skipped my workout to do so) that with a more regulated schedule of naps, and night and day (well pseudo-fake-simulated-day), things will get better. They just have to. They do! Right?

Sleep or no sleep, he is still a cutie and I love him . . .


Angie said...

Oh, I hope that it helps. Sleep is so frustrating. Christopher went from sleeping through the night to getting up 3-4 times a night. He still isn't back to sleeping through the night. I keep giving him pep talks about it to no avail.

Katie said...

Oh my. This is NOT GOOD. Not good at all. You poor thing!!

Have you read Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child? It is my favorite sleep book. It would probably tell you that he should go to bed earlier (like 7 p.m.)...they are always pushing early bedtimes in that book. That's probably why I like it! :) I don't know if that is really true or not, but it seems whenever I read that book, it suggests that! Oh, and it also says to "protect the naps!" Does he normally take a morning nap?