Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sleep Re-Training

Sam was doing really well sleeping through the night for about a week before he got sick and it was wonderful. It took about a week and a half prior to that of letting him cry during the night to get to that point (which was hard, but worth it). Then when he got sick and didn't eat solid food a week and was one huge snot ball, I felt I had to feed him during the night or he might get dehydrated or starve or get more sick (just go with me on this one) or depressed from lack of comfort or hell, I don't know, I just felt like it was the motherly thing to do.
So now, he's feeling better and I am again sitting up in the middle of the night listening to him scream his head off. Do we really have to go through this all over again? And was I wrong for regressing to night time feedings while he was sick? Surely not, huh? I just hope he catches on quicker this time around. He's bound to remember, right? Right?!


Angie said...

Surely that cute little face isn't causing you problems!

I've done the same thing when my kids were sick, and retraining had to happen. it sucks.

POB said...

Suggestions for crying it out: ear plugs, pillow over the head, ambien.

Katie said...

Oh god. I HATE this part of parenting....the sleeping/sick/training crap. I hope he is catching on faster the second time around. I definitely would have done the same thing with feeding while sick. Definitely. That was the right choice!