Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's Time For Tough Love

We got back from Nebraska Monday night and are trying to get back in to the swing of things. I will write later about our trip and all that we did but right now I want to talk about Sam.

Sam will be 6 months old next week and is still up all the time at night. All. The. Time. Lately he's been up every 1-2 hours. It's been getting worse the past few months and is getting really old really fast. I partially blame him having a bad cold and being sick all of October, traveling, him getting his first tooth last week, and me always sticking him on the boob every time he wakes up, but something has got to be done.

We are traveling again in 3 weeks and it is my goal to have him broken from the nightly boobcapades by then. I am exhausted and want a normal night sleep. It won't be easy on any of us, I'm sure, but this is my vow to try.

I actually started last night by only feeding him if it had been over 3 hours. (How pathetic is that?!) The other times he woke up in between, which was many, I went in, rubbed his head for a minute, turned on his mobile and walked out. The longest he cried was 10 minutes so not bad. I was impressed.

And after doing this all night, he finally slept a 3 hour stretch from 3:30am-6:30am this morning. Yay. It's a start and I'll take it.

I am too much of a softy to cut out all feedings cold-turkey but I will get there. I will.

1 comment:

Katie said...

It sounds like you've already found a good system...and if he only cries for 10 minutes, that is pretty good! Can you handle that 10 minutes? It was easier for me to handle the crying to sleep thing at the beginning of the night, rather than the mniddle of the night. It is so hard. I feel your pain!! I am sure you'll get it worked out~!